Let's start with Payten's potty training adventure. It's almost been 5 weeks (still can't believe that), and she's been doing extremely well! I am actually pretty surprised. The first few days were a disaster! One second she would go on the potty and the next she would pee a puddle in the middle of my family room (luckily its hardwood floors, or else we'd be in trouble). After week 1 I just wanted to give up. But everyone kept telling me to stick it out a bit longer and see how she does. She now tells us when she has to go potty, instead of us asking her a million and one times, don't get me wrong we still ask but nearly as much since she communicates with us about it. With each day she gets better and better. I hate to jinx it but its been days without one single accident! She even poops on the potty! Woot woot! There are a few times here and there that she just doesn't quite make it to the potty but she's trying. She wears undies all day long, but when we venture out and for naptime and bedtime she wears a pull-up. I think she is about ready to do the undies thing when we go out but I am so afraid! I know I have to overcome this fear but I think it'll be a few more weeks before I do so. I am extremely proud of her potty training process and hope that the end is in our near future!!! But to be honest, thinking about doing this all over again with Camryn makes me want to hire a personal potty training assistant, LOL.
I know I mentioned it in my last post but Camryn finally has her first TOOTH, actually she has two! My girls always seem to be late bloomers when getting their teeth in. Camryn is exactly one week behind when Payten got her first tooth. I am still trying to get a picture of them, but the little stinker won't let me get a good look. :-( She is also finally sleeping through the night, well at least for most nights. Camryn has definitely not been as good as a sleeper as Payten but she's getting there. Hopedully she continues with these 12+ hour nights, it makes the hubby and I super happy :-) Camryn is eating lots of table food these days. Her favorite is chicken and cranberry sauce! She just can't get enough of it, its too funny. I hope she continues eating table food so well, I would love to ditch the baby food!
Okay for the changes.... Monday is Payten's first day of school! I am full of so many emotions about this. I am happy, excited, sad, all in one. I know at first it will be an adjustment for her but I know she will love it. I am sad that she is growing up so fast! Where did my little baby go? How can she be 2 1/2 already? It feels like I just brought her home from the hospital. I know she will love learning new things and making lots of friends, especially since she is miss social butterfly. I will be sobbing for the first week at least :-( Since Payten will be in school for several hours a day, I have decided to go back to working days. The night schedule has really gotten to me and most of all its affecting our family. My wonderful friend Tammy will be watching Camryn for us a few hours a day so that I can go back to working days. I owe her FOREVER! (wink wink) As a family we are really looking forward to our new schedule next week. Wish us lots of luck because we sure are going to need it!
Along with Payten starting school she will begin her first dance class next Saturday as well. It is a combination class of both tap and ballet. Since little miss thing loves to shake her booty every opportunity she can, I really think she is going to love it. I will be sure to post pictures of how it goes :-)
I think that's it for now... This post is a lot longer then I had intended. Stay tuned next week to lots of posts about our progress of our new schedule!
Please Vote: Only a few days to vote for my girls. Please click on the picture below. "Like" JenStevenson Photo first, then "Like" the picture! Thank you everyone :-)
Good luck to Payten at school! I know she will love it :-) And I hope all the changes are smooth for you...it will be great!
Good Luck this week. I am dreading next week, my baby starts Kindergarten & my oldest baby will begin Middle School! Time flys when your having fun! Looking foward to the post!
Beautiful daughters! Good luck with the potty training!
Following you from the twitter hop
I'm just now getting around to visiting the blogs of new followers I got from Saturday Playdate. Love your blog, following you now too. Did you know our oldest kids share a birthday?? Nut is a 02.24.08 baby also!
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