August 17, 2012


TGIF!!!!  What a week!  I feel like I say that every week lately.  Things have been so crazy around here.  I don't know whether I am coming or going.  It's been a busy week getting things together for the 1st day of school.  Plus soccer season will be starting soon and since the hubby is coaching we have a little prep work to do.  Luckily dance doesn't start until the first week of September so we have a few more weeks before we throw that into our schedule!  But once things are going our weeks will be quite busy. 

Monday - Payten Dance
Tuesday - Camryn Dance & Hubby plays softball
Friday - Soccer practice
Saturday - Soccer games

I am sure by Sunday I'll be ready for a break of doing NOTHING!  Oh not to mention once the school year starts it begins birthday party season, haha.  So our calendar will be full with those as well :-)

Our weekend is pretty low key.  Tonight we are meeting up with our friends, the Berry's, since they are in town from NJ, then tomorrow we are heading to the water park.  Sunday I am hoping to tackle touching up the base boards and painting our master bedroom, but we'll see.  I still need to pick out a paint color!  

Happy Friday!!!