March 4, 2012

Home Improvements

Since we have moved into our new house we haven't made too many "big" changes around here. Just some paint on the walls and a few minor changes. Well its only been 8 months but I am ready to make some "BIG" changes now :-)

First.... I LOVED my entertainment in our old house but its just too small for this house. I am sad to see it go but we need a much bigger one. This week we are having a new one built. It will be pretty big, almost the whole size of the wall, I am so excited! I can't wait to see what it will look like when its done :-)

It's going to look along the lines of this..... minus the color and a few other changes.

This staircase needs HELP! It's way too plain Jane for my liking. So we have been getting some quotes on ripping out the carpet and installing hardwood on steps. Also replacing the spindles with iron ones. It seems to be a little pricy so this might wait but we'll see after we receive one more quote.

A few weeks ago we had crown molding added to the family room and I just LOVE it! It totally finishes off a room! Now I can't wait to finish the rest of the house with it. Next week the carpenters will also be installing some in the hallway upstairs and in the staircase. Pictures to come soon!


K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy said...

Good luck with the remodeling.