February 2, 2013

RIP Foxy Roxy

I feel like I just wrote a post about saying good bye to our puppy Corgy, and only 7 short months later we had to goodbye AGAIN to our other puppy Roxy.  I am heart broken beyond any words!  

Roxy has had a fatty tumor that has been growing for years.  We have it checked out every year sometimes every 6 months and the doctors never had good answers.  We thought about surgery but they always told us the tumor would grow back and faster, so we felt letting it be would be okay.  Up until now everything was okay.... over the past few weeks her health has been declining.  During this week, after hours and hours of discussing and crying, Sean and I decided that we needed to put her to sleep and to stop letting her suffer.  It just wasn't fair to her anymore to keep fighting like this, and we were being selfish by keeping her alive for the pure fact that we didn't want her to go because we'd miss her to much.  I am truly going to miss her with all my heart,  I know she was only a dog, but she was my first baby and I will be forever grateful for all our wonderful memories we had.  She'll always be my foxy Roxy and my Roxberry!

Love you Roxy.... We love you forever!


Tracy - A Maui Mommy said...

Aww. I'm so sorry to hear about your puppy. :-( My condolences. It's such a hard thing to lose a pet. We're thinking of you on here on Maui!
