Yep you read that right.... we had a busy weekend!!! Not that its unusual around here lately. But it was fun so totally worth it!
We started our weekend Friday evening when Payten and I met her dance friends and moms at Disney on Ice. The girls had an absolute blast! The show was awesome. Of course they enjoyed all the goodies that came along with the show... crowns, wands, cotton candy.. ya know the usual princess stuff! We were out quite late but was totally worth it for the priceless smiles all night!
Saturday was a CRAZY day for us! Our day started early. First, Payten and I went to her 1st dance class of the year. It's amazing how different this 1st day was to last years. The girls have grown so much and they are like pros now. But of course they are sooo adorable in their tap shoes and tutu's!
We had to leave class early to attend Bryce's 2nd Birthday! Payten and Camryn had a blast at the Kids gym. They were running around like nuts, LOL. It was so good to see Bryce and his big sister Rylie. We hope we can see them again real soon!
Luckily we made it home in the late afternoon so the girls had a little nap to recharge for the evening! We headed over to our friends house for a lazy Saturday night of just hanging out. We had a great relaxing evening. Payten even had her first sleepover and did great! No 3am calls for this Mama :-) The hubby and I took Camryn home, got her all tucked in and that's where our night went down hill. . .
Before we had left to go to our friends house, either my hubby or I let the dogs out back to go to the bathroom. Of course we were in a rush to leave, as always, and didn't realize we didn't let them back in until we got home over 3 hours later. I went to open the door and let our older dog in and realized that our youngest Roxy was not in the backyard. :-( She had slid her body under the fence. We called and called her from our property but no sign of her. My hubby's grabbed his car keys and started searching the neighborhood for her. He came back about 30 minutes later and no luck. My heart just sank, and my stomach was turning. Three hours is a long time and who knows how far she can be by now. And this is a neighborhood there is no way she is going to find her way back. Now I was freaking out! I called a friend to come over to sit at the house with Camryn while I helped Sean look for her. He now went by foot and I went by car. We we out looking for 2 hours and that is when I was giving up hope. I started making Missing Dog signs, and Sean went back out again to look some more. Just as I was printing the signs, here comes my hubby and Roxy. I was beside myself, crying like a baby. One of our neighbors found her and kept her at their house, and figured since it was late in the evening that they would wait until the morning to go door to door to see who she belongs to. I am so grateful for good people like them, because they are truly hard to find these days. I am so glad my baby made it home safe and sound. And boy did we learn our lesson not to rush around before the leaving the house!

So it was quite the weekend! But so glad things turned out the way they did! Hope everyone had a great weekend!