February 13, 2012

What a week!

I can't believe its been a week since I blogged, well I kind of can after the week I had. INSANE! Monday started out great since I still was super excited about the Giants winning the Super Bowl. I worked a normal work day, headed to the gym after work, ran a few errands, picked up the girls from school, made dinner, and went to bed early since I had a late night the night before.

Tuesday I woke up feeling "off". I can't explain how I was feeling but I know it just wasn't right. And then about 9a rolled around and that is when the stomach bug hit. I puked, and puked... total of 12 hours! I couldn't keep ANYTHING down. It was down right AWFUL! I spent the entire day in bed well except for the time I spent sitting by the toilet bowl, ugh! It proceeded into Wednesday. I stopped puking but I still felt awful and I was soooo hungry. I was scared out of mind to eat a thing. The thought of puking again kept flashing through my mind.. :-( Finally by Thursday morning I was feeling almost my normal self. But from being out of commission for two days I had a lot of catching up to do :-(

This weekend we laid low. Saturday morning I took Payten to dance class, we all had lunch, squeezed in a quick nap, headed to the park, and then ran to a few stores.

Yesterday we hung home and caught up some house chores. We have a busy two weeks so I wanted to get things done around the house.

Not how much I will blog in the next few weeks as ours are very busy but I will certainly try :-) Happy Monday!